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Web Design

Web Design for Attorneys

team.Trial1 process is grounded in and understanding of lawyers, and their community and market place, and experience in applying branding, marketing, and technology.

Our Services

Whether you’re looking for Law Firm Website Design to make it here in New York City or engage our services in other parts of the country, consider our team your team.

All-Round Marketing

There are already prospective clients whom your services would be a perfect fit. How will these people find you? They most likely will Google find a lawyer who’s service matches their query? Will your firm show up? Will it rank in both organic listing and in the Pay Per Click Ads? If so, does your Website authentically memorably reflect your firm in a manner that will compel them to contact you? Once they are there, do where they can find some information that will be relevant to the type of case they have? Why will they pick your firm?

Responsive for Mobile

In October 2016, mobile device users surpassed desktop computer users in accessing websites worldwide. Trial1 develops Responsive Web Design (RWD) that allows webpages to adjust design and content dynamically for optimal viewing and navigation on a mobile phone, tablet, computer, and widescreen.

Branding Strategy

In the website design process, our teams work with you to wireframe and map your content in an effective information design that expresses your unique value proposition to your audience. We provide paths for your visitors to explore how your firm can help them with their legal challenge to meet your attorneys and staff. Your Website will make your case. Let them know what you have to offer them when they need legal expertise. We will provide up the areas of practice your firm in a way that will help build relationships with clients and the case-mix optimal for your team. It will highlight case studies that will educate them. Each of the Website will be part of the funnel that that will lead to appropriate next steps then calls to action to further build a relationship with your firm.

Marketing Engine by Trial1

What could your Website and those of Lincoln Center and The Guggenheim Museum have in common? Probably not music by Yo-Yo Ma or paintings by Picasso but a content management system (CMS). CMS is the answer to keeping a sleek and savvy website as up-to-date as real-time web demands. CMS platforms make it easy to keep your Website fresh, manageable, current, and in line with whatever next step, your law firm, or another business is taking86% of websites developed on open source CMS we recommend this type of foundation for your site. We utilize responsive templates during the creation of the design and then build your site on open source platforms right-sized for your business needs such as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and CiviCRM. Our website development services customize these powerful and sophisticated CMS so all of your content can be database driven, allowing for easy updates, access control, multiple languages, and interactive media.

You may also have a website built on-site a website builder such as Square Space, Wix, or GoDaddy Website Builder. We will evaluate your Website and see if your Website can meet the strategic needs of your marketing plan. We can optimize and apply SEO techniques to websites built on these platforms, but they do have some limitations. As your website developers, we also provide the integration of sophisticated functions such as membership systems, event management, donation systems, human resources (HR) systems, online education systems, and social networks. We can take these extensions to new levels of personalization and functionality.

No website is an island. Our software developers handle the integration of modules that interact could with our law practice management software, support media, and interact with social media websites. We support all of this configure and manage customized hosting on a virtual private server (VPS) that integrates tightly with the latest technologies as back-up to Amazon S3, serves online video, data warehouse, and even artificial intelligence (AI). Your intranet may need application functionality that Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud can cost-effectively provide, and our teams can implement it.

The user interface design must be attractive and efficient since your employees and partners may work with them all day long. In the end, the design and technology are about creating value for you, your customers, and your partners. That means making repeat visits worthwhile and referrals even supporting evangelism via social media and other channels. We ensure that your Website integrates tightly or supports social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.